Diachronische Analyse der Dependenzdistanz der deutschen Sprache. Eine Untersuchung in den Textsorten Belletristik und Zeitung im 20. Jahrhundert.

发布时间:2023-10-20文章来源: 浏览次数:

论文题目Diachronische Analyse der Dependenzdistanz der deutschen Sprache. Eine Untersuchung in den Textsorten Belletristik und Zeitung im 20. Jahrhundert.





发表时间2023年,139(3), 177–192

论文摘要Dependency distance (DD) can be used as a measure of working memory load and the syntactic difficulty. Previous research shows that there exists dependency distance minimization in natural language. Based on the DWDS-Kernkorpus, this study will examine the diachronic changes in genre-specific DD in German in the 20th century by calculating and comparing DD in two genres (fiction and newspaper) between 1900 and 1999. The results show that the trends of DD vary in genres. The DD of newspaper shows a clear downward trend, while the DD of fiction does not show a clear trend of change. Given these differences, this study further discusses the factors that may have led to the different trends in DD in these two genres.


关闭 打印责任编辑:薛琳
